I am passionate about supporting those who are often disenfranchised by the field of medicine and reproductive health and hope to support you throughout your journey of pregnancy and childbirth so that you can have a positive experience of bringing new life into your world.
Throughout my training as a Doula I learned different ways in which Fascia Touch can be used as a supportive tool for the body as it changes throughout pregnancy. I also have a special interest in using movement and breath work as a way to maintain the connection between the mind and body throughout pregnancy.
I can offer support virtually or in person and am happy to meet with you at any stage of pregnancy. There are many ways I can offer support so please feel free to reach out if my presence resonates with you.
All of the packages can be edited to fit your specific needs and budget.
“The Only Way To Survive Is By Taking Care Of Each Other”
— Grace Lee Boggs
I support pre- and postnatal people through the use of:
Experience the healing benefits that fascia touch can provide as your body changes throughout the different stages of pregnancy.
Explore the ways that yoga can be used to support your body and mind throughout pregnancy and childbirth.
Get answers and the information you want and need about pregnancy, childbirth and newborn care so that you feel secure and empowered throughout pregnancy and postpartum.
How I can support you:
To give you an idea of how I can assist you, before, during and beyond your pregnancy, I’ve created these packages. Of course these can be adjusted in order to fit the birthing person's specific needs. Custom packages can also be discussed so please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Why would you hire a Doula?
What is a Doula? And do you need one? - The New York Times
What do Doulas do for Queer Parents? - Keren Landman, MD on Medium
Why is Doula support important for Black Birthing people? - ABC NEWS
LGBTQ+ Doulas Help New Parents Thrive, No Matter How They Identify - them
A doula is a trained professional who provides emotional, physical, and informational support to women and their partners during pregnancy, childbirth, and in the postpartum period. A doula provides education and guidance on birthing options, comfort measures for pain relief, and relaxation techniques during labor. The doula also offers emotional support by providing reassurance, encouragement, and advocacy for the mother's wishes and needs. Additionally, a doula also provides support and education throughout the postpartum period, including breastfeeding and newborn care. The purpose of a doula is to provide the mother with continuous and personalized care, leading to a more positive and empowering birth experience.
DE: Eine Doula ist eine ausgebildete Fachkraft, die Frauen und ihre Partner während der Schwangerschaft, der Geburt und in der Zeit nach der Geburt emotional, körperlich und mit Informationen unterstützt. Eine Doula informiert und berät über Geburtsmöglichkeiten, Komfortmaßnahmen zur Schmerzlinderung und Entspannungstechniken während der Wehen. Die Doula bietet auch emotionale Unterstützung, indem sie beruhigt, ermutigt und sich für die Wünsche und Bedürfnisse der Mutter einsetzt. Darüber hinaus bietet eine Doula auch Unterstützung und Aufklärung für die Zeit nach der Geburt, einschließlich des Stillens und der Pflege des Neugeborenen. Der Zweck einer Doula besteht darin, der Mutter eine kontinuierliche und individuelle Betreuung zu bieten, die zu einer positiveren und stärkeren Geburtserfahrung führt. -
I am a full spectrum doula, which means I provide services through the entire spectrum of reproduction, which can include fertility, pregnancy, loss, abortion, birth, and postpartum experiences.
I do both! I’m happy to help clients in the Berlin area and often see clients virtually.
I understand there is some hesitance for virtual services, as many of us have felt the effect of an increasingly online world. Being a virtual doula allows more accessibility thankfully and I draw upon my years of experience as a licensed counsellor to make the digital experience as comfortable as possible. Many people are restricted by their location to provider accessibility and by providing virtual doula services, I can reach a wider audience and provide a need that the overall global community has for high-quality doula services.